This is awesome!!!! fyi for you guys who dont know what this tune is, its the track you hear when your battling king dedede at the fountain of dreams in kirby nightmare in dreamland. AWESOME
This is awesome!!!! fyi for you guys who dont know what this tune is, its the track you hear when your battling king dedede at the fountain of dreams in kirby nightmare in dreamland. AWESOME
Flying Battery Zone remix! Now with 357% more epic pwnage! THIS IS AWESOME. Great techno beat, love the fast paced stuff. GOOD JOB. 10/10!
Are you kidding me? This is an awesome remix! This is one of my favorite videogame songs of all time, and you did a great job on this track. Liked the voice (instrument) selections, and the improv-ish ending is not only a great idea, but also composed and played great. 9.99999/10 (that 0.00001 is just out of jealousy because this is EXACTLY what I was hoping to do when I made my remix of Mystic Cave Zone.)
Thanks for the review!
And if your still going to make that remix, I'd like to hear it. =)
Great remake of a clasic STH track! I thought the fast beat that the song starts out with is a great way to introduce the song. I have no criticism for this track but I have a suggestion for a future track. My three favorite tracks in all of the Sonic the Hedgehog games and maybe in all of old-school gaming are and will always be Flying Battery Zone (Sonic & Knucles / Sonic 3 & Knucles), Aquatic Ruins Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog 2), and MYSTIC CAVE ZONE! w00t (Sonic the Hedgehog 2). Just Some Suggestions if your ever sitting around and have no ideas for future tracks
very good
i dont know what the h3ll the other guy was talking about, it being to similar... this versions more jazzy, even if the percussion mimics the original.... then again how the f|_|ck are you supposed to remix percussion? lol. great job! another great classic remade!!!!
Age 32, Male
UMass Dartmouth Class of 2015
Massachusetts, USA
Joined on 11/22/06